14 novembro 2005


Mulheres e homens

Leia o artigo de Kathryn Harrison sobre o novo livro de Maureen Dowd, “Are Men Necessary?”: See the Girl with the Red Dress On (edição Putnam). A capa está aí ao lado porque convém ler o primeiro parágrafo:
«Let's for a moment, judge a book by its cover. One need not read Maureen Dowd's "Are Men Necessary?" to answer the question. The retro pulp-fiction jacket features a bombshell in a clingy red dress strap-hanging under the leering gaze of her fellow subway riders, all male. For the use of this illustration, Dowd enthusiastically thanks the artist, Owen Smith, adding, "The girl in the red dress will always be my red badge of courage." Below such an image, the subtitle, "When Sexes Collide," seems both wish and prediction.»
Para saber mais sobre Maureen Dowd, uma rapariga moderna, vá aqui e leia as suas colunas mais recentes no NYT. Leia um extracto do livro aqui (só para assinantes do NYT) ou então na página do Livro Aberto 2: «My mom gave me three essential books on the subject of men. The first, when I was 13, was "On Becoming a Woman." The second, when I was 21, was "365 Ways to Cook Hamburger." The third, when I was 25, was "How to Catch and Hold a Man," by Yvonne Antelle.»

O último de Luiz Alfredo Garcia-Roza (Berenice procura) está quase a chegar...
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